Welcome To Buzz Beauty


I just wanted to start this blog off with a simple, short message to introduce myself and my blog.
So hello, i'm Hanna aka Buzz and welcome to my blog...

Just to introduce myself quickly and who I am behind the name, i'm Hanna, i'm 20 years old and i'm a University student, studying Computing.

I'll give you a little background info around the name Buzz Beauty. Ever since I was around 13 years old, everyone would refer to me by my last name 'Burrows'. This then got shorted to Buzz and I've been called Buzz ever since and I have grown to love it!

This is also not the first blog I've ever created, this is my second blog but I wanted a fresh start, rather than re-designing my old blog from around 3 years ago. I wanted to post different content, different layout/design and I have changed a lot since back then, which is why i'm starting fresh.

This blog is going to cover a wide range of posts, mainly beauty posts, such as makeup routine, new favourites and basically anything related to makeup basically! I will also being doing Skincare, Hairstyles, Fashion posts (I'm going Ibiza in June, so keep an eye out for MANY posts related to that!), I also love home ware, i'm honestly slightly obsessed, i'm constantly buying new things for my room, so will of course be doing some posts around that! I may also do the odd random post around technology, Uni life, personal life, Food, trips and vacations and many more!!

Please feel free to comment down below any suggestions or tips for my blog.

Buzz ❤

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